
Share your own stories about Carole McIlhagga in the comments section of this page. Whether you want to share many paragraphs or just a short snippet, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to include a picture if you wish.

Only one picture can be included in each post. If you would like to share more, please reply to your original post with each additional picture.

For more, see Carole’s Guestbook on the Daley Family Funeral Home website.

13 replies on “Stories”

January 14, 2021

We’ve only just (January 13) learned of Carole’s passing, but it makes the news no easier. Carole was one of those very special people, not very big, not very noisy, not at all showy, yet she made a huge impact on all who came into her world. In fact, she made it her business to go into your world if she could bring some kindness or healing or wisdom. She simply and quietly exuded goodness and decency and generosity, just as simply as breathing. One of a kind. We were all blessed to have known her.

She truly was one of a kind. We always thought of Carole as kind, gentle, loving and helpful. In fact she was an earth angel who is now one of God’s angels.

Dan and Diane

I first met Carole in 1965 when we were student nurses at the Civic. I still picture her in the uniform, black stockings and all. Other images that come to mind are the spaghetti dinners we four shared with a candle in a Chianti bottle and a white bedsheet (touch of class) in our residence rooms, the lovely outdoor wedding Carole and Liston had, visits to the farm in Russell and the stories. Carole’s attempts to kill a chicken for dinner and the joke about the whipped cream and cherry have stayed with me all these years. She led a full, interesting life.

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