A roughly chronological collection of photos of Carole McIlhagga. Click on a photo to enlarge it and view its caption.
Early days Carole and her mom The Rees family Nursing Grad Wedding First home together The homestead, late 1970s Kids playing at the back pond, 1979 Our farm With Twm in Saskatchewan Wales Cherryhill Nova Scotia Sister Susie Dancing with Dad Family portrait Hallowe’en With Twm in Saskatchewan Girl guide leader Family and close friends Early Russell olympics Nurse Carole in character for a workshop on teen smoking Caribbean cruise, Dominican Republic Caribbean cruise, snorkelling Barbados Happy couple, 1993 With the Rees’ Carole’s trees are growing! A selfie A great friend Close friends Russell Olympics David’s wedding Visiting the Woodcocks in Wales Visiting Marian in UK Visiting Aunt Audrey in Wales Visiting auntie Rees in Wales Meal at the Metcalfe Golf Course Playing bocce at the Russell Olympics Closest Neighbour Grandchild A granddaughter 😊😊 With the grandchildren Close friend Masters in Conflict Resolution Master’s Degree Graduation Longest time friend Friends in Newfoundland With Twm in Saskatchewan Close friends Back in the garden after Carole’s recovery from the DBS surgery Good friends Friend from nursing Home from DBS surgery Carole enjoying the Women’s Institute fundraiser with dear friends